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What Our Clients Have to Say

I was referred to Ryan from a developer in the Chicago Area. I was in search of an agent to help rent out my condo. I had not heard of Ryan before our introduction but was told he had done a number of transactions in the building. Ryan worked extremely hard for me and was able to secure a 2-year lease for communication open with me throughout the process. I can tell he valued our relationship all else. I will be using Ryan moving forward for all my real estate requirements. I would also like to recommend Ryan to anyone else in need of real estate help.


Met Ryan a short time ago and was immediately impressed by his professionalism and enthusiasm. He assessed the contemplated assignment, rendered a focused and honest opinion, clearly communicated his team’s plan, and then flawlessly executed the plan. Within a few short weeks, Ryan and his team successfully completed the transaction. Ryan is our go to for residential leasing and our group gives him the highest recommendation.


Ryan is my go-to guy for apartment leasing services. Clients have been impressed with his prospective marketing efforts, direct and accessible communication, and ultimately results. I’ve personally used him and experienced the same. He’s also just a good guy to deal with and takes a lot of pride in his work. I look forward to working with him for years to come.


We asked Ryan to help us rent our multi-family property after struggling to fill the units on our own. He immediately had professional photos taken and had insightful suggestions on pricing strategy, fees and next steps. Ryan got us a signed lease with a high quality tenant within a couple days on the first unit. He worked extremely hard to get our garden unit rented in a difficult economic environment. He ultimately landed us another great tenant with a lease term that exceeded our expectations. Ryan more than earned his commission, locking in leases with string tenants and ultimately helped us realize the returns we wanted on our investment.
I could not recommend him more highly, and we look forward to working with Ryan on future real estate endeavors.


Ryan Grober and his team have been a constant referral of mine to existing multifamily owner operators in the Chicagoland area and come highly recommended. As a multi-family broker, I get a lot of calls from client’s (multi-family operators) looking for a new leasing team to head their operations and fill vacant units. Ryan is at the top of my list.
