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Message from our Founder Ryan Grober

Ryan Grober

Ryan’s passion for developing relationships and long lasting friendships with his clients, stems from his upbringing and family background in the real estate business. As a third generation Grober to pursue a career in the industry, he learned at an early age what it takes get the job done. Ryan prefers to take an old school approach to his clients! He appreciates the subtle nuances of interacting with his clients.

Whether it is a firm hand shake or a big bear hug! It’s important to him that he connects with his clients on a level of trust and sincerity. Which is why he is very selective with the business he takes on. Unless he is able to devote 100% of his attention to the deal, he’d rather not take on the transaction at all. Thats how dedicated he is to his craft, and ensuring all of his clients receive unprecedented attention.

Throughout his 10+ years in the business, he has learned the importance of being “All IN” on the deal. This mindset has propelled him to numerous Top 1% Producer awards by the Chicago Association of Realtors since 2014. It has allowed me to assist 2500+ clients; consisting of tenants, landlords, buyers and sellers.

The long-term client relationships is what keep my energy high and my business thriving. Along with being the highest reviewed 5 Star multi-family lease-up agent on Zillow for consecutive years running. His ultimate objective in everything that he does, is to create a pleasant and stress-free experience for all his clients.